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Course Overview and FAQs
- Overview
- FAQs
What You'll Learn
Caring for neonates and troubleshooting neonatal problems
Husbandry and medical issues
Early litter box training
Crate and confinement training
Socialization and biosafety
Essential training
Puppy nosework foundations
Enrichment Ideas
How is this Course different to Puppy Culture?
What is Puppy Culture?
Puppy Culture is a program to teach breeders and puppy owners how to raise behaviorally sound puppies. We touch only lightly on husbandry and medical issues.

What is the difference between the Puppy Culture film and the Newborn to New Home course?
Newborn to New Home (NB2NH) is a course where you get a day by day, every day, for 72 days, view into exactly what to do with your puppies, including husbandry and medical issues.
There is some overlap of subject matter, but no repeated information. Everything in NB2NH will be new to you, even if you’ve seen Puppy Culture.
Course Syllabus
84 Units 232 Instructional Videos 27hrs 20m total
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"Master" Resources
Additional videos and documents on topics discussed in the course, as well as items you will want to access and reference frequently
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